My whole life's been focused on 2D art--drawing, that is. It's been mostly traditional drawing, of course, from when I first picked up a pencil as a little squirt of a kid, up to a few years ago when I saw myself turn mostly to digital art. Regardless of the exact medium, drawing's always been my big love in art; painting, sculpture, none of it compares to just scratching out a satisfying little doodle. Of course, that points to a danger of artistic complacency. Though having taken studio classes that force me to confront different traditional media have done their work in combating this, my ultimate comfort zone has never wavered. It's hardly in my interest to keep to this one thing creatively, much as I do feel it's my mother medium. So, I'm going to go a step in a novel direction from here--I'm going to set my sights on learning the 3D modeling/animation software known as Blender. It's free to download and use, and though by all accounts it's a do...
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